
I sat down to write and I wasn’t sure if this is a topic I should really touch on or not. But I figured we’ve all done it, we’ve all had it done to us and right now we are probably considering it. The good old “unfriending” on social media! 

To be completely honest, this is one of the things I hate about social media the most! In “real” life when we are sick of someone or hurt by something they did, we avoid them for a while or stop talking to them all together. On Facebook when you push that unfriend button, the person you have “unfriended” may not be aware straight away but eventually they will know! It’s kinda shit! It creates unnecessary ill feelings and it is very easy for people to become caught up in how many “friends” they have and why someone would choose not to accept their friend request or to delete them from their list.

 I have over 500 friends on Facebook and how many do I talk to? 50, maybe more but certainly not often! How many have I unfollowed so I don’t have to see their stuff? More than I’d like to admit! I try not to delete friends because I would hate for them to know, but I have been guilty of it in the past. I make no apology for that. I have also been deleted and blocked and that’s okay. 

I feel this part of social media can create issues, people get so caught up in popularity online and it eventually consumes them. Technology is so advanced that most things can be done at the press of a button. Truthfully I love it, but it means that people can act on their emotions and can do things that maybe once they had settled down or had time to think, they wouldn’t have? That includes airing their dirty laundry, but that’s another story for another day. 
What do you think? Let me know below! 
📸 featured image: thegoodvibe.co

2 thoughts on “Unfriending! 

  1. Totally agree! I deleted my fb account last night due to numerous reasons, but I can only imagine how many people are thinking I’ve deleted them, happened last time too. Personally I need a break from social media, anything you post can be taken entirely out of context, it’s a vicious cycle, one I do not have the energy for at the moment, I’d rather focus my energy on my family and friends without being behind a screen ☺️


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